Part# 10S823101420W

Mini Amphiblast Pneumatic

The Schmidt® Mini AmphiBlast™ 1.5 is the newest addition to the AmphiBlast family of wet abrasive blasting systems manufactured by Axxiom Manufacturing. The compact and light design allows for simple maneuvering into job sites or locations not normally accessible by larger pots. 

This style is a pneumatic configuration that can be used in wet or dry blast applications and utilizes a Schmidt Teravalve™ XL abrasive metering valve. Blasting pressure is adjustable from 10 to 150 psi. This unit easily fits through a 24" doorway. Uses a 15 gallon water tank (not included).

  • Schmidt® Mini AmphiBlast™
  • 1.5 cu ft capacity
  • Pneumtic remote controls
  • Wet or dry blast options
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